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Letter from Roland F. Knoedler to H.C. Frick, 20 October 1898 [page 2 of 2]

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M. Knoedler & Co. Successors to Goupil &Co. 355 Fifth Avenue, New York. Cable Addresses Knoedler-New York Knoedler-Paris Paris Office, 2 Rue Gluck.

As soon as the frame for the fine Daubing is ready, I will send the picture out to you, and Mr. Mellon and yourself can admire it together. I am glad to heat that you are please with Thaulow. We have several very good pictures by him just now, Charlie has been pretty active lately and sold some pictures, among which your upright Dupre. If he continues, we are doing to call him "the star salesman". With kind regards to all, believe me, Very sincerely yours, Roland F Knoedler

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