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Letter from [H.C. Frick] to Mrs. Whitney Warren, 19 March 1915

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New York, March 19, 1915.

Mrs. Whitney Warren, 22 East 47th Street, N. Y.

Dear Madam: Mr. Frick desires me to say in reply to your favor of the 18th, that the titles of the pictures are as follows: Francisco Goya: El conde de Teba (who is the father of the Empress Eugenie) Senora Dona Maria Martinez de Puga. Romney: Lady Hamilton as Nature. Turner: Dieppe. As Mr. Frick understands, the pictures will be called for by Knoedler & Company, and he would like to know just when you except to return them. He is indifferent as to whether or not his name is used. Respectfully yours,

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