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Letter from Joseph Gordon Stuart to A.W. Cruikshank, 20 January 1903 [page 2 of 2]

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the original price, Mr. Black tells me that the portrait has been put in a new frame and that he thinks this has been a great mistake as the old frame was much more artistic. Mr. Black hasn't heard where Mr. Cruikshank's portrait is and could give me no information as to it. Mrs. Cruikshank's portrait was exhibited not very long ago. Mr. Sanderson's collection of paintings and other articles of virtu is a very large one, and I presume that it will be kept up by him and his family after him, but as to this I cannot of course say. Mr. Black, who is great friend of Mr. Sanderson's, tells me that he has little doubt but that he could get Mr. Sanderson's permission to make a copy of Mrs. Cruishank's portrait for you if you wanted it, such might cost you from $25 to $30. I return the two letters which accompanied yours. Yes, I had two letters from your sister o regard to her jewels. I quite appreciated the position of matters from what you has told me and from my general knowledge of Mrs. Coat's state of health &c. I answered the first letter trying to soothe your sister as far as I could saying that I was perfectly certain that you would not seek to go against her wishes, and that I had her Will as to the disposal of her litter matters, which I was sure would be acted on. I can quite understand that you must have had a deal of worry and anxiety about your sister, but I am glad to think that you have now got her comfortably settled, and I feel certain that you are doing everything in your power to make her easy in mind and body. I remain, Yours sincerely, Joseph Jordon Stuart A.W. Cruikshank Esq. 18 Amhurst Road, Ealing, London. E/2