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Description of Gainsborough's "Honourable Anne [sic] Duncombe," circa 1911 [page 2 of 5]

Revision as of Jan 5, 2021, 4:14:40 PM, created by Padarat

THE TIMES, 12TH NOVEMBER 1902: "THE Gainsborough is interesting as showing once more how this artist delighted in blue dresses and draperies, thus practically confuting the celebrated dictum of Reynolds about the unwisdom of making the principal mass of any but a warm colour. Miss Anne Duncombe's dress is as blue as that of the Blue Boy himself; indeed, now that the picture has been cleaned, it is much more so... The distinction of her pose, the animation, the brilliancy of dress and landscape make this a very noble picture." THE TIMES, 13TH FEBRUARY 1907, says: "ABOUT Gainsborough, who is so brilliantly represented, we have said a good deal already; but we may add that the room contains the we-known full-length of the Honorable Anne Duncombe, an attractive face surmounting one of the most brilliantly painted dresses that ever came from Gainsborough's hands."