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Letter from Duveen Brothers to J. Holroyd, 18 November 1911 [page 1 of 2]

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302 Fifth Avenue New York, Nov, 18, 1911 Dear Mr. Holroyd: We beg to confirm our telegram of this morning saying. "pictures will be mailed tonight." We are afraid that these photographs will suffer very much by comparison with the beautiful reproduction you showed us, but we can only explain that they were the best photograph we had, and we fear we cannot improve on them, unless you can afford us an opportunity to photograph the steel engravings you have, cr, better still, the pictures themselves. For this of course we should naturally send our man to Prides Crossing, on receipt of your instructions, but of this is not possible, and you can spare the engravings, we will have photograph prepared without delay on receipt of such engravings. With regard to the descriptions, we regret that we have no further information than that contained in the brochures of pictures by Romney and Gainsborough,, copies of which are already in your possession, but in order that you may have this before you upon receipt of this letter, we are sending copies.