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Copy of a letter from Roger E. Frick to [H.C.] Frick, 24 January 1910 [page 1 of 3]

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(Kindly note address) Durbins, Guildford, underlined: Private.

Jan. 24, 1910.

Dear Mr. Frick:

 I cabled you about the Vandyck which is certainly a fine example. It is reproduced in Mr. Lionel Curt's book on Vandyck and I also spoke to him about it. I do not of course know what price was asked, but if you should not get this and would give me an idea of what price you would go to for a first rate English example I have little doubt that I could secure one without your having to pay the extravagant profits that the dealers now ask. But the only way to get things from private owners is to have the same powers that the dealers have of making a direct offer. 
 With regard to the Vermeer. It is not a good example, not nearly so good as the one you possess so that unless you decidedly wish it I shall not go to see it. Also I consider the price absurdly high for one of that quality. 
 I have found a most beautiful little Brouwer landscape an at absurdly low price in ink: £ 200. It is almost of the quality of a Rembrandt. I so strongly feel that you ought to have it that I am having it reserved for you. Will you kindly cable on receipt of this. 
 I am as you know ceasing to be European Advisor to the Museum. I will not go into the details of my relations with the authorities, but I consider that I have been most unfairly treated. The difficulty has arisen that Mr. Morgan expected me to work for him while I regarded my first duty to be to the Museum. Then I have proposed first rate things for the Museum he has tried to secure