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Letter from Roger E. Fry to [H.C.] Frick, 24 January 1910 [page 2 of 5]

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not go to see it. Also I consider the price absurdly high for one of that quality. I have found a most beautiful little Bronar? landscape at an absurdly low price £200. It is about of the quality of a Rembrandt. I so strongly feel that you aught to have it that I am having it reserved for you. Wld. you kindly cable a receipt of this. I am as you know ceasing? ? European Adviser is the Museum. I will not go into the details of my relation with the authorities but I consider that I have been most unfairly treated. The difficulty has ? that Mr. Morgan expected me to work for him while I regarded my first duty ? to the Museum. When I have proposed first rate things for the Museum, he has tried to secure them for himself.