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Letter from Ben Duveen to Henry C. Frick, 24 September 1909 [front]

Revision as of Feb 3, 2021, 2:35:41 PM, created by Padarat

302 Fifth Avenue New York September 24, 1909. Henry C. Frick Esq, Hotel St. Regis, New York City.

Dear Sir. In accordance with my promise at our last interview, to let you have any further news that might materialise in regard to the Reynolds portrait from the Maurice Kann Collection, I have much pleasure in informing you that I have just received a letter from my Uncle, confirming the reservation of the picture to be submitted to you upon his return to New York. He further states that you may rest assured that the matter will be kept entirely quite, and with my kind regards. I am, Dear Sir, Faithfully yours, Ben Duveen