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Letter from M. Knoedler & Co. to H.C. Frick, 2 October 1909 [front]

Revision as of Mar 30, 2020, 3:02:14 PM, created by Jameswerick

Mr. H. C. Frick, Prides Crossing, Mass. Dear Sir:- We have been instructed by our Mr. C. S. Carstairs to get the painting by Gainsborough from Prides Crossing and bring it to New York. We also take this opportunity of informing you that the painting by Rembrandt has arrived, and we tried to reach you by 'phone this afternoon to inquire if you wished the latter painting shipped to you for your inspection. Not being able to reach you by 'phone up to 6:50 P.M., we thought perhaps it better to write and ask your wishes in the matter of shipping the Gainsborough. We suppose you will be in New York early next week, when you can see the Rembrandt at our store. We enclose an extract from Bode's work on Rembrandt concerning this picture. Very truly yours, M Knoedler Co J Gerrity Enclosure (1)