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Letter from H.J. Duveen to Henry Clay Frick, 12 September 1906

Revision as of Nov 11, 2017, 6:56:06 PM, created by Chungjwl


21 Old Bond Street London 12th Septr 1906





My dear Mr. Frick,

I duly received your cable and yesterday sent you the following in reply:-

"Two objects of which you desire particulars are "reserved and will be submitted you by me in October Henry "Duveen" (ends)

I at the same time notified our New York house to the same effect to provide against any delay in transmission of my cable to you. You will doubtless therefore have heard from them as well.

I have, as promised, reserved both picture and tapestry, but the only way to properly judge of these, as to their artistic and intrinsic value, is to see them properly displayed before you. I will, therefore, personally submit them to you when I come over in October, and we can then talk the whole matter over.

There are a few more important things in the collection which I have put aside for your approval and which will be submitted to you at the same time.

I trust that you are quite well, and with kind regards to yourself and Mrs SIC Frick, remain,

Yours sincerely,




SIGNED H. J. Duveen

H. C. Frick Esq., Pride's Crossing, Mass. U. S. A.