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Letter from Henry Clay Frick to Charles S. Carstairs, 7 July 1916

Revision as of Dec 16, 2016, 4:41:14 AM, created by Chungjwl

Stamped on top left corner of page COPY IN LETTER BOOK

Stamped in orange ink across page COPY

Prides Crossing, Mass., July 7, 1916.

Dear Mr. Carstairs:

I am in receipt of your valued favor of June 22d; it finds us all well at present and enjoying delightful weather. The baby, I am pleased to say , is improving, but has not yet fully recovered.

I note what you are doing in the way of purchasing mezzotints. I am glad to see our English friends are getting a move on and trust they will keep it up.

We have now, as you know, succeeded in nominating a real American for the presidency, and I hope for all time eliminated the valient Colonel. Our friend Grier is of course broken-hearted, but he will fall in line in the near future and recognize that the wise thing has been done.

I am very much pleased to know that Mr. Wilson is alive and well, and hope he will come out of the war safely and sound.

With kind regards, and hoping we will see you over here before long, I am,


Sincerely yours,

Mr. C. S. Carstairs, London, England

In pencil, lower right corner HC.317.030