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Letter from Charles S. Carstairs to Henry Clay Frick, 23 July 1915

Revision as of Dec 21, 2016, 2:44:29 AM, created by Chungjwl

such an enormous loss of life. There are other conditions, though, which may change things materially, such as some of the States coming in, which, by Asquith's speech, seems to be more than probable.

Business is absolutely stagnant here, but, curiously enough, no-one seems to have any pictures of importance for sale. I don't know that I have ever known such a dearth of good pictures. I presume everyone is waiting until the war is over.

I was very glad you enjoyed your fishing trip - it must have been quite a delightful experience.

I am going off to Harrogate the end of next week or the 4th August and will be there until the end of the month. There is really nothing to do here: will probably sail the middle of September.

Kind regards to Mrs. Frick and Helen, and hoping you are enjoying Myopia,

Sincerely Yours,

C. S. Carstairs

In pencil, lower right corner of page [H. C. 317.119]