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Letter from Charles S. Carstairs to Henry Clay Frick, 11 July 1913

Revision as of Dec 25, 2016, 10:41:45 PM, created by Chungjwl

Page 3.

I regret the Pittsburg bank disaster and trust the condition will not prove too bad.

The tendency of the Senate seems to be to put a high duty on works of art and I understand they are talking about a 25% duty on pictures. It is unfortunate, I think, and shortsighted, but I suppose nothing could be done to help it. The only point that bothers me is just when we should ship our pictures in order to get them in ahead of this duty, provided they put it on. If you get any information as to when the new law will become operative I would appreciate your cabling me.

I suppose there is no prospect of your getting over here this summer? If you feel like a change, take a steamer and run over. We will be so glad to see you.

Be sure and let me know if there is anything I can do in connection with the house.

With kind regards to all the family,

Yours sincerely,

C. S. Carstairs

In pencil, lower right corner of page [HC.317.003]

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