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Letter from Charles Carstairs to Henry Clay Frick, 8 July 1910

Revision as of Jan 25, 2019, 8:12:24 PM
created by EugenieFortier
Revision as of Sep 11, 2019, 8:29:34 PM
protected by Frickarchives
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[[Beginning of Page 2]]
[begin page 2 of 3]
I should say it was Hals masterpiece and
I should say it was Hals masterpiece and one of the worlds masterpieces, don't look upon it as dear because it has no price, it's worth anything – The Rembrandts are superb, splendid quality & wonderful condition, they would be fine either side of your "Polish Rider" in the space of the mantle.
one of the worlds masterpieces, don't look upon  
it as dear because it has no price, it's worth
The Van de Velde is one of his finest examples just about the size of your Van de Cappelle & a great companion to it . It comes from the Hope collection, I told you something about it last winter. The photographs for these came in only this afternoon –
anything – The Rembrandts are superb, splendid
quality + wonderful condition, they would be  
They are all pictures worthy of your collection. Joe Widener  has taken a photograph of the Hals home with him but didn't say whether he was interested or not– He bought a Hals from Sedelmeyer in Paris & also bought 2 very fine Turners
fine either side of your "Polish Rider" in the  
[end page 2 of 3]
space of the month.
The Van de Velde is one of his finest examples  
just about the size of your Van de Cappelle
+a just companion to it . It comes from
the [[Itape?]] collection, I told you something  
about it last winter. The photographs for
these came in only this afternoon –
They are all pictures worthy of your collection.
Joe Widener  has taken a photograph of the Hals
home with him but didn't say whether he was interested
or not– He bought a Hals from Sedelmeyer in  
Paris. +also bough 2 very fine Turners
[[End of Page 2]]

Revision as of Sep 11, 2019, 8:29:34 PM

[begin page 2 of 3] I should say it was Hals masterpiece and one of the worlds masterpieces, don't look upon it as dear because it has no price, it's worth anything – The Rembrandts are superb, splendid quality & wonderful condition, they would be fine either side of your "Polish Rider" in the space of the mantle.

The Van de Velde is one of his finest examples just about the size of your Van de Cappelle & a great companion to it . It comes from the Hope collection, I told you something about it last winter. The photographs for these came in only this afternoon –

They are all pictures worthy of your collection. Joe Widener has taken a photograph of the Hals home with him but didn't say whether he was interested or not– He bought a Hals from Sedelmeyer in Paris & also bought 2 very fine Turners [end page 2 of 3]