File #864: ""



American Express Company,
Office of General Agent,
PITTSBURG, PA., Sept 14th 1905
For one dollar and other valuable considerations to me now in hand paid by American Express Company, I hereby agree to all the terms and conditions of the receipt, a copy of which is hereto attached, and which is hereby made a part hereof; and for the purpose of shipment as thereon stated and as a basis for the express charges to be paid by me upon said shipment, I hereby expressly declare the value of the entire property shipped and covered by said receipt to be Fifty Dollars ($50.00) and no more, and, in consideration of the American Express Company accepting for transportation the said property under said declared valuation of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), and in consideration of the reduced rate charged for the transportation of said property under that valuation, so declared by me; and for the purpose of availing myself of such reduced rate of transportation, and avoiding the higher transportation rate which would be charged for said property if a higher valuation were declared by me, I hereby release and discharge the said American Express Company and all connecting carriers from any and all loss or damage to said property, beyond the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), whether such loss or damage is caused by the negligence of said company or its servants, or otherwise.
H.C. Frick by F.W. McElroy
Witness F.? White
Witness H.E. Lee

