File #540: ""



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should take it and beg you to notify us at your earliest convenience that this purchase is cancelled.
Outside of a small number of collectors and artists, Fritz Thaulow, a Norwegian painter, who has already a big name in Paris, is not yet known here. It will be our pleasant duty to make him famous in America. Since we brought out Cazin's paintings - in 1887 - we have not had the pleasure of showing to our clients the works of a stronger and at same time more poetical young painter as Thaulow.
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We are, dear Sir, with pleasure at your service,
Very truly yours
L. Crist Delmonico
p. Emil K. Kegel
Monet - Argenteuil - $2000.-
Thaulow - Village - Night (with privilege of cancellation on inspection of the painting) $800.-
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