File #525: ""



[insignia of St. George on horseback slaying the dragon]
14, Grafton Street,
one door from
Bond Street, W.
London, 30th Augs. 1895.
H. C. Frick Esq.
Dear Sir -
I returned to the Savoy to show you the photo of the Jules Breton we once had here, as I thought it may interest you to see if it is the same as the one in Pittsburg.
My partner (who has just returned to town) tells me he knows of a very fine Cazin, - one of his most important works - in a private collection not five minutes from here. It appears he sold the picture himself some five years ago. Although it is not "in the market," he knows that it can be bought, so if you could find time to call before you leave London, we should be very pleased to show it to you. [begin strikethrough] It is in a private collection. [end strikethrough]
I remain
Yours faithfully
Robert Boss

