File #4514: ""



strikethrough: Baron Lionel de Rothschild 1872,
strikethrough: ?

in graphite: ✓
underlined: Exhibited: Agnew's Gallery, London, 1902, no. 12
Old Masters, London, 1907, no. 87 (Charles J. Wertheimer)
Königliche Akademie der Künst, Berlin, 1908, no. 23 (Charles J. Wertheimer).

in graphite: ✓
Engravings. (1) In line by Robert Graves, A.R.A. and James Stephenson, 10 1/2 x 16 1/4 in. April 27, 1875; this engraving was commenced and half finished by the former who died 28 February, 1873, and an illustration of this half finished plate is given in underlined: The Printseller Sep. 1903, p. 382, (2) In Mezzotint, 5 x 7 1/2 by J. Scott for "Engravings from the works of Thomas Gainsborough R.A.", (no date) plate 53. (3) Photogravure plate No.XI. facing p.44 in Sir Walter Armstrong's "Gainsborough", 1898, where it is for the first time incorrectly called "The Hon. Anne Duncombe," at which period it belonged to Lord Rothschild (4); illustrated in A.B. Chamberlain's "Thomas Gainsborough," facing p.116. (5) The underlined: Connoisseur Nov. 1906 p. 143 in ink: where it is incorrectly included as being in Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan's collection.

in graphite: omit
On the death of Antin ink: hony Baron Feversham 18 April 1763 the barony became extinct, and his estate devolved on his own two co-
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