File #2961: ""



Beginning of left page
you will not delay the matter
until you come over in the
spring. Such a proceeding
would be most risky + I am
sure you would have an
everlasting regret if you were
to lose it. I do not I know
exaggerate when I say that
were you to possess this
Holbein, it would be the
greatest masterpiece in
America, + you are never
likely to have the opportunity
of securing such a masterpiece
End of left page
Beginning of right page
again, Perhaps you will not
mind my saying I consider
Mr. Dunn a most capable
judge, he has evidently
studied his subject well,
+ there are but few amateurs
so well up in works of art
as he is. I shall look
forward to hearing further from
you in due course. I may also
mention that all the books on
Holbein speak of this example
as one of the Master's very best,
Yours obediently,
H. Silva White
End of right page


Needs Review