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Mr. H. C. Frick, 1 East 70th St., New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Frick:- I am one of the twenty men acting as relief committee for the Ukrainian or Rithenian War Sufferers. The Ukrainians are a people numbering 30 000 000 without a national government as shown by the accompanying map. There are more than a million war sufferers - for the country has been overrun by the Russian and German armies two or three times. A Ruthenian pastor, a most honest man whose parish is in the West End and whose wife was a patient of mine has interested me in the matter. Our committee got up a Tag Day which came off Saturday. Besides we sent out a circular letter to a limited number of philanthropic persons whom we thought might make a more substantial contribution - your name was on the list. But I thought with the numerous appeals which come to all of us, especially to a man so well known as you are, the circular letter might not come to your notice. So I am making bold to write you this personal letter. I hope you can see your way clear to extend your list of contributions by this one. What you send me will be very gratefully received and turned over to the proper authorities. While writing, I wish also to ask a personal favor of you which is that you kindly give me a permit to visit and view your gallery of paintings ^of which my friend Black has spoken so enthusiastically. Occasionally I am in New York and usually take one of my children with me. If you gave me such a permit,