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Charles Henry Hart, Esq, January 13, 1917. Page #2

desire to asperse it. Despite considerable delays, owing to the difficulty of getting to Monsieur Vitry a proper photograph, and owning also to the fact that he has been engaged, as we understand, on military service for his country, we have finally secured an opinion from him written in his own handwriting on the back of a photograph of this work. He pronounces the Bust to be by Houdon without question, and says that he does not hesitate in the slightest in recognizing it as such. He has also written to our intermediary who kindly brought the photograph to his attention that he is "of an opinion quite opposed to that of Mr. Hart, or to use another expression I (he) would say that the Busy cries aloud its author, "-Houdon. In further support, if any were necessary, of the correct attribution of this great work to the Master, Houdon, we are in receipt of a letter from Baron Maurice de Rothschild.