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bears a considerable resemblance to her husband cousin, and her eyes, like his, are somewhat dull, although she was of a joyous disposition and - laughed without measure at the jokes and grimaces of the court-fool. When told at such times by the King, that the act of cachination [sic] was below the dignity of a queen of Spain, she would artlessly reply that the fellow must be remorsed if she might not laugh at him, as she could not help it. Velasquez has not ventured to paint her in these merry moments; and his pencil has even recorded her expression as somewhat sullen. She was also sadly afflicted to the rouge pot, which she did not manage with the artistic science of Isabella. Her chief beauty was in her rich fair hair, which she bedizened with the red ribbons and feathers, and plaited and dressed after the most fantastic modes of the day, until her giddy young head has rivalled her unwieldy hoop in its tumid extravagance. On the death of her husband (1665) Queen Marianna
