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Translation of a letter from Count Tarnowsky to [Roger E. Fry?], 22 January 1911

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from French

Dzikow, Tarnobrzeg, 22 January 1911.

Dear Sir:-

In answer to your letter I beg you to excuse me for my delay in answering, and thanking you for the care you have taken of the copy of "Lisowozky", for it is really a remarkably good one.

As to the history of this picture, I can only tell you that it came in my family as an heir-loom left to my paternal Great Grand Mother, Countess Valerie Tarnowska born Stroynowska, by her Uncle Stroynowski, Bishop of Vilna, who bought it in Warsaw at a sale which took place after the death of Stanislas Auguste Poniatowski, last King of Poland.

I enclose a copy of Mr. Bredius's letter which you have asked me for.

I thank you for the kindness which you have for my son, and take pleasure in letting you know that he has returned completely cured.

Believe me,

Very truly yours,

(Signed) Tarnowsky.

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