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Cable from [H.C. Frick] to [Roger E.] Fry, 29 December 1910 [back]

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TERMS AND CONDITIONS To guard against mistake on the lines of this Company, the sender of every message should order it repeated, that is, telegraphed back from the terminus of said lines to the Originating Office. For such repeating, the sender will be charged, in addition, one-quarter the usual tolls of this Company on that portion of its lines over which such message passes. This Company will not assume any responsibility concerning ant message beyond the terminus of its own lines. It is agreed between the sender of the following message and this Company, that this Company shall not be liable for mistakes or delays in transmission or delivery nor for non- delivery to the next connecting, Telegraph Company, or to the addressee, of any unrepeated message, beyond the amount of that portion of the tolls which shall accrue to this Company, and that this Company shall not be liable for mistakes in the transmission or delivery, nor for delay or non-delivery to the next connecting Telegraph Company, of any repeated message, beyond fifty times the extra sum received by this Company from the sender for repeating such message over its own lines, and that this Company shall not be liable in any case for delays arising from interruption in the working of its lines nor for errors in cipher or obscure message. And this Company is hereby made the agent of the sender, without liability, to forward any message over the lines of any other Company necessary to reach its destination. It is agreed that this Company shall not be liable for damages in any case where the claim is not presented to it in writing within sixty days after the sending of the message,

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