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Letter from Henry Clay Frick to Roland F. Knoedler, 3 June 1914

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June 3, 1914.

My dear Roland:

Arrived at noon today having had a very pleasant voyage. It was not as tiresome as I had expected, but I was delighted to have it over.

Went almost immediately to the new house which I found had progressed marvelously. The picture gallery is going to be a dream: I like its proportions immensely.

They had postponed the Steel meeting, so that I went almost at once downtown and had an interesting time. It looks as if I was going to be kept busy for some time to come.

I hope to be able to leave for Prides tomorrow night, returning here Monday. I found business exceedingly quiet and not very cheerful.

Saw a Mr. Leeds on the boat who told me his sister- in-law had purchased the picture she has been contemplating for a long time. I told him I thought she had made an excellent purchase; that I had been looking at it, but as usual had been a little slow, although I did not feel that it was just what I needed in my collection.

I hope you will have a very busy and prosperous summer. Kind regards to you and yours.

Always, Sincerely yours, Mr. Roland F. Knoedler, Paris, France.