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Letter from Joseph Gordon Stuart to A.W. Cruikshank, 4 April 1899 [page 1 of 2]

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My dear Mr. Cruikshank, I have your letter of 30th ult, and had also heard from Sir Edward on the same matter, but I have been out of the town for a couple of days which explains my delay in answering you. As you and Sir Edward are practically at one as to how the free price of the "Reaburns" should be disposed of, I need not enter into the question as t his misunderstanding in selling them without having received your express consent. When I communicated with Sir Edward I certainly understood that you had consented to the pictures being sold at a price not less than $1500. I think that you may rest satisfied that you have got a very high price indeed for the pictures, and certainly if we had not been in a position to close at once with Messrs Agnew we would not have not anything life so good a price. I was told that there were two "Raeburn's" sold last week at Dowells here, and that the highest price was $150 for a portrait, that of a gentlemen, which was said to be in very good condition, although, of course, not equal to the Langley Park ones. I don't quite agree with you that the pictures did not form part of the Trust Estate. The Trust Deed specially conveys the whole furniture in the mansion house at Langley Park, and generally all your moveable on the said estate, and I don't see how it could be hold that the "Raeburns" were excluded from that general assignation. While this is so I have, after careful consideration of the terms and purposes of the Trust Deed, had no hesitation in saying to Sir Edward that he, as Trustee

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