File #928: ""



me that I was very sound & that if I took care
of my stomach there was no reason why I should
not be hale & hearty between 90 & 100. The day before
I left Paris I had a game of golf with LOTI ?? who
was unusually nervous - it was painful to see how
worried he was about himself (this is strictly ??) he finally
made up his mind to follow the Doctor's advice & go to Vichy
which is not far from here. I told him that
if he felt too lonely to come here. I think he will prefer
Vichy which is much livelier than la Bourboule. I
will probably run over to see him shortly.
I saw Mr. D. J. Watson in Paris who was on his way to
London Hotel Coburn & sailing for home August 26th.
You do not say anything about Mrs. Frick's health. I hope
she is much better. With kind remembrances to the
family believe me with renewed thanks
Very sincerely
SIGNED Roland F. Knoedler


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