File #527: ""



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[intertwined "E.E.S." monogram]
SEP 24 1897 Ans'd
9, Rue Traktir
(Avenue du Bois)
Adresse Télégraphique
Invocation - Paris
Dear Sir
In going to Germany I stopped at Dagnan's and told him about your buying his picture. Coming back yesterday I found the enclosed letter from him. I have translated it so that you can see exactly what he says. Will you kindly allow me to give you an advice - you have the finest picture which has been painted
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for many many years past, and I believe that you ought to let him have the picture. I know it is a sacrifice for you but such a picture must be perfect and for that he wants his own time so please let it be so. You will not regret it. By the same post I send you a photo of the picture as it is - thinking that you will be pleased to have it.
As regard the Portrait of Your Boy I wish you could send me his photo as large as possible. I have had a long
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