File #3037: ""



Charles Henry Hart, Esq.
July 7th, 1916.
Page #3
to be finer in quality than that of Mme. Serilly in the Wallace Collection in London. You, of course, did not know that Mr. Frick's Bust came from the famous Baron Adolph de Rothschild's Collection and was bought by him forty years ago as a great Houdon Bust of Mlle. La Clairon. Not only was the late Baron an eminent collector and a careful connoisseur; he also had the advantage and benefit of the best authorities of his time. He made it a rule, as anyone familiar with the subject can tell you, that none of his art objects should be photographed by the public or catalogued in public prints. This may account for your lack of information as to the prior history of the Bust.

As we have already stated, we should have been perfectly willing to have guaranteed this Bust even had we not know its history, since it is frequently our good fortune to acquire great master-pieces of art which the world has never before recognized, and it is for this reason that we pride ourselves upon knowing the articles in which we



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