File #2955: ""



DEC 3 1912
29 Duke Street
St James
London, S.W. Nov. 1st 1912.
H.C. Frick Esq.
Prides Crossing , Mass.
Dear Sir,
When I wrote you yesterday I forgot to ask you if you had that book of Dr. Waagen's entitled "Treasures of Art." I fear it is possible you may not have this book, as it is an old book + rather scarce. For your information I may tell you that Dr. Waagen who was a great expert of art came to this country + visited most of our true old collection's +wrote about each collection in this book. It is a well known book + much quoted. Amongst the collection's Dr. Waagen wrote about, was Longford Castle, the seat of the Earl of Radvor where the stolbein is. Feeling sure so eminent an opinion on the Stolbein would be interesting to you I enclose herewith an exact copy of what Dr. Waagen says about this Stolbein, + from it you will see he speaks very highly of it, he also well describes it. If you will read this description at the same time having in front of you the illustration in Ganz's book, it will give you a very fair


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