File #2928: ""



Letter from Roger Fry
to H.C.Frick, Esq,
I have not heard from you about the early Rubens portrait
and fear perhaps that you are not satisfied with it. I know it
is not the first importance but I think it a fine thing and Sir
Claude Phillips and Mr, Holmes of the National Portrait Gallery
both agreed with my attributive to Rubens on his first Italian
visit. I spent 20 pounds on the frame and have had other expenses for insurance and packing and cleaning which will amount to about 25 pounds and, as I need not say I received no commission from the seller, I must look to you for my payment. I do sincerely hope you will not miss this Vandyck. I am keeping it from being shown for a short time but should be glad of an early reply.
Yours sincerely,
(Signed) Roger Fry.
P.S. I still think you ought to get that Cina landscape of which I think Mr. Johnson showed you a photograph. It is to be had for 3000 pounds. Still I do not press this since Cina is not an
artist of the highest rank, though this is one of the most delight-ful Venetian landscape I know. It is being published shortly in the Burlington. I forgot to mention a subject on which Mr. Jaccaci has approach-ed me. He is most anxious that you should subscribe to his great work on American collections. I have always told him that I thought the price too high but none the less it is a splendid work and will do much to keep up the standard of appreciation of first art in


Needs Review