File #140: ""



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prepared by Braun of Paris, but this will give you an idea of the beauty of the subject.
Hobbema is a very rare and extremely beautiful painter and I think you could very well have another in your collection. The price is $85.000. 10% off to you.
Do you recall the Terburg "Card Party" I showed you last winter in the custom house? I saw the owner while passing through Paris & I fear this beautiful example of Terburg's art will be withdrawn from the market in a
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month or 2. He has increased the price to £10.000. and it would cost you $56.000. delivered, but it is well worth it text missing you may go the balance of your life without having the opportunity of securing so beautiful and important an example.
I think you err in considering it too small. The Dutch genre pictures are all small but it is a marvelous School and I am anxious to see your collection grow stronger in each great school. I think all things considered the Dutch interests me more than any other and by not neglecting
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